I’m not married myself, but every other week it seems like one of my friends proposes or is proposed to. Its always interesting hearing the back story. They say how you propose says a lot about who you are, I wouldn’t know, but I’d like to hear some of what other people consider the “perfect proposal”.
In a fair world, every proposal would be perfect. I guess even now if you asked a lot of people (who eventually got married) they’d tell you theirs was, but what really is a perfect proposal> Off the top of my head, these are the most general categories of proposal styles I’ve come up with:
Us against the world
The public proposal is interesting. Some people say it symbolizes bravery, conviction, and a complete comfort in the strength and direction of the relationship some other people think its extremely tacky. Recent places I’ve been where people have dropped down to one knee include clubs, restaurants, parks and even outside examination halls..
Family business
Recently I heard of about a guy who proposed to his girlfriend with the help of her family members, recording, taking pictures, getting her to the “secret location” oohing and aahing as he knelt down after dinner… and she said no. I found this particularly hilarious because I think I’m one of those people who consider this as a very intimate way of proposing, almost religous even, and if you’re going to agree to help your sisters boyfriend propose to her, the least you could do is be sure she’s gonna say yes. I guess.
(I think ‘arranged marriage” also falls under this category, but I’m not sure)
Exotic cuffing
Two single people get on a plane, going on a “holiday”, one comes back with a rock on her finger. winning!
There’s also the “spur of the moment, just-feels-right situation too, my personal favorite problem is, you’re not going to be walking around with a ring in your pocket everywhere, and (according to this same discussion I had) God help you if you propose to some people without a ring.
I’m sure there’s a lot more I could come up with if I put my mind to it, but I won’t. There’s a lot more to the “perfect” proposal than the location. I was speaking to a friend and she was describing the mood; the lights, the music and food she wanted in the background to the most important decision in her life, and fair play to her, a lot of us would like a certain mood to accompany that too. There’s other elements to consider too, ring or no ring, if yes ring, what sort of ring? Who’s gonna take the pictures to post on Instagram? If its a private proposal and there’s no friends with camera phones some of us could get in a lot of trouble..
Personally I don’t know if there’s a “perfect” proposal, but when you feel like you’re ready to settle down with someone for the rest of your life, you should know them well enough to know what they would appreciate the most. In the end, there’s nothing like a truly spontaneous proposal, because there’s always going to be some thought that goes into it (unless you’re drunk and propose to the waitress who keeps giving you free drinks at the bar, but that doesn’t count) But there is such a thing as the perfect proposal, because when two people are in love, and are ready to spend the rest of their lives together, its a personal journey, and the perfect proposal should be the beginning of that journey. Personal.
So lets have some fun today, use the comments section to tell us what you think your dream proposal would look and feel like, and if you’re married, and you feel like sharing, how was your proposal? How did it feel?
Thanks Bene