NUMBER 6: She Shifts Priorities Away From You
If she is involved in a hot and heavy romance with someone else, you'll definitely feel a shift in her daily priorities. Suddenly, there are no more implied Sunday dates at the movies or something always comes up on dance-lesson Thursday. There is a tendency for most philanderers to schedule meetings with their new flame as often as they can, which results in a complete disregard for previous engagements.
NUMBER 5: She Puts More Effort Into Looking Sexy.
You may like her just the way she is, but that won't stop her from trying to dazzle her new fling. Just as you tried to impress each other at the beginning of your relationship, she'll try to impress her new flame with a sudden urge to improve her style, change her makeup and alter her physical appearance for the new man in her life. So, while her desire to look sexier is one thing, not caring about your opinion on the matter is quite another.
NUMBER 4: She Becomes Autonomous
One of the biggest signs she's cheating on you is her breaking away from your little two-person unit to become more autonomous. She has dropped "we" from her vocabulary in favor of "I." Moreover, she does more things on her own and stops consulting you about future plans. In short, she conducts herself in ways that hint that she no longer needs you to hold her hand. Whether she's hoping you'll leave her or she's simply looking for more time to lead her "double life," it's safe to conclude that she wants you out of the picture -- she just can't build up the nerve to leave you.
NUMBER 3: She Has No Interest In Sex With You
When your relationship was new, the two of your were full of passion and open to spontaneous lovemaking. Now it's all a bit iffy, whereby you're rarely hitting the sheets and you're only doing so if and when she feels like it.
On a slightly more ego-bashing note, she may suddenly become bored by your performance and appear to be thinking about someone else when you do make love. Cheating may be wrong, but you can't deny that unlawful sex is usually more exhilarating. So, if you can no longer satisfy her sexually, someone else may be rubbing her the right way.
NUMBER 2 She's Secretive About Her Schedule
She may claim to no longer have time for any extracurricular activities with you, yet she has one foot out the door the minute one of her girlfriends calls. Either that or she has been "going away on business" one too many times. And when she does leave, her whereabouts are sketchy at best and you are somehow always the last to know.
Disclosing her itinerary to you at the last minute and overlooking your plans in the process can mean many things, one of which isn't that she's forgetting, but rather leaving you out.
NUMBER 1 You Become Irrelevant
What could be worse than a girlfriend who nags you about absolutely everything? How about one who stops noticing that you're even alive? Just as No. 9 on our list of signs she's cheating on you is a possibility (she nags you incessantly), the opposite could be yet another clue of your loves cheating ways.
All at once, she doesn't care if you don't want to go to the ballet with her; she'll just find somebody else with whom to go. And whatever opinion you may have, be it about how she looks or how you're feeling, is met with a tepid response. In other words, she doesn't place the same importance on what you think and what you do as she once did, especially on things that directly affect the relationship.
Keep Jealousy In Check. Don't delude yourself into thinking that your woman would never cheat and don't rush to judgment either; if she is guilty of committing any signs on the list, perhaps it's indicative that something is awry in the relationship. In any case, this is a great opportunity for you to address problems you may not have noticed before scanning this article.
More importantly, don't let what may just be a bad case of jealousy taint your perception of her. Reading her the wrong way or jumping to conclusions can permanently sever a relationship; get all the facts before you confront her.
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